Saturday, June 27, 2009

We can do Hard things.

Yesterday I talked with a dear friend and mentor who has been a huge help in my life. I wrote the following in my journal, and wanted to post it here for those wondering how I'm doing.

Life is all about making decisions and going for them. A bit of wisdom that I FINALLY articulated was that "success is something that assessed where you currently are. Being successful is assessed at the finish line.” Sometimes we may not know where the finish line is, so we may never feel success in our current station, but once we cross that finish line we can look back and thank our lucky stars that we kept going.

I am incredibly thankful for the hard things we do in life because during and after those hard things there are precious moments that we obtain bits of wisdom which open our eyes further than anything we could have previously hoped for. Those insights of wisdom are like flakes of gold and rough diamonds which we can continue to work with the remainder of life to form the most striking decorations to add to brilliant life crafted by our Heavenly Father.

It also hit me, again, how we have such a powerful gift of agency. We choose the type of person we are, what we will and won't react to, and what we will and won't believe.

I believe that this will be one of the most memorable summers of my life!

xoxo - Susan

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