Monday, June 1, 2009

Reality TV Show: Pinnacle Posse Take 1

I woke up fully motivated. I prayed, went running, and then instead of doing what I normally do - sit around in my work out clothes while I study scriptures and eat breakfast - I decided to shower before I started my studies.
After enjoying a warm shower and a pancake breakfast I sat at the table and started studying from the Book of Mormon. About 30 minutes into Helaman I feel my phone vibrate. Odd, I thought, no one ever calls me this early, it's only 10:15. I look to see that my manager, Chad, is calling. A very small 'uh oh' passed through my mind as I flipped open the phone. Another small thought of "don't forget, you sold yourself to you job right now" ran through my mind as I offered a puzzeled hello to my breathless manager.
"Susan! I'm so totally sorry about this, but it's really important. We have mandatory trainning that we were suppose to be at this morning at 8. I know it's totally last minute, but we've gotta be there. Like I said, I know it's unexpected, but we've gotta be there. I know it's last minute but can you be at the office in like 15 minutes? We need to leave ASAP. Also, can you wake Natalie up? I couldn't get a hold of her."
"Yea, no problem. I'll let her know"
"Awesome, you're great. I'll see you guy soon, okay? And again, I'm totally sorry it's so last minute!"
"No worreis, we'll see you soon."

So I glance across the kitchen bar and realated the above conversation to Natalie. We both started to wonder aloud about what, why, who, and how come!? As we started rushing to get ready and get our things together I wanted to start looking around for hidden camera's. It seemed like a reality TV show. Last minute meetings, big expensive trainning that no one know's about, managers left out of the loop by corporate.... really, where were the camera's!?

As Natalie and I jogged across the parking lot and rushed the office, we walked in to a completely empty room. No sounds, no people, no lights.... Alright, WHERE ARE THE CAMERAS!!!?!!? I just started laughing. OF COURSE the two girls would be the first one's there! Sure enough, we waited around for another 10 minutes before anyone else showed up, all of which I spent inwardly laughing about how much it felt like a relaity show.

Finally, people came, cars were filled and we were off to follow bossy commands of a GPS to a nearby hotel to be greeted by "You guy's were suppose to be here at 8 this morning!!!" Yes, we found out about it at 10 when corporate called our head manager yelling at him. Thank you, Mr. Teacher, for letting us know.

We quickly found out that it's Florida law to recieve electrial trainning before selling security systems. So we took the day learning how capcitors, insulators, conductors, transformers, diodoes, and the like, worked. We then took a test on it all, took a break, and came back for more. The second part we learned how all sorts of different locks, bolts, barriers, and identifiers worked.

At the end of the day though, it was over. We left the room smelling like dirty men, stale smoke, empty pizza boxes, and cumpled paper. Natalie and I were ready for girl time. I'm not sure what Natalie did while I was on the phone with Christina and Laurie, but I talked with them until my phone died. After Natalie heard I quit talking, she invited me to go swimming with her in the pool near our apartment.

Being in Florida is great. I was swimming under moonlit palm trees on a warm summers night with the sweetest roommate I have ever had and then played water vollyball with a few other sales guys (one from our team, and two from another company) who showed up shortly after we stopped doing laps.

Trainning extends into tomorrow, so Pinnacle Posse Take 2 will happen tomorrow.

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