Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dates, of several sorts

Dates. I went on one, I have a few set, and I have a few coming up.

I went on a date with a tech on our team. It is the first date I've ever been on with someone younger than myself. BUT it was actually quite enjoyable. We went to dinner and then watched a movie at my apartment. I was surprised at how much more mature he was than his other dating counterparts. He was also very gentle - which is a nice change from the rough-and-tough guys that I work with and atrocious environment that I work in. Also, he accepted my invite to come to church on Sunday.

I have a date set to go through the temple. I'm coming home on July 8th-13th and will be taking time to get a few things ordered. Today also marks two months before I enter the MTC!
Prayers would be very much appreciated.

The upcoming date is the temple. In one week I'll have the opportunity to enter the House of the Lord and make sacred covenants. For more info about the purpose of temples, click here.
For info about the message I will be sharing on my mission, click here.

It's an interesting time in life. A lot of good things are happening, and the future is bright. For those reading, please continue to pray for me. This job is hard, and dealing with myself is hard. I am thankful for a God who answers prayers and for a Savior who atoned for us and makes up the difference when we fall short.

Much love,
Future Hermana Denker!

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