Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sister Susan Catherine Denker...

I'M GOING ON A MISSION!!!! I will be serving in the California Carlsbad, Spanish speaking, mission. My area goes from South Anaheim to North San Diego. I report the the MTC on 2 September 2009 and will serve for 18 months.

Everything about it was perfect and just like I imagined how it would be. I had just gotten back from a work function with some of my favorite co-workers. We pulled up to the mail box, I jumped out, ran to the mail box, and there it was. The most beautiful white envelope I've ever seen was sitting in that little mail box with my name 'Sister Susan Catherine Denker' shinning through the thin plastic window.
Right when I opened the mail box I could see another key, and then the envelope. I screamed as I yanked the envelope from the box and jumped up and down with absolute joy!!! I bounced back to the car still jumping up and down while my friends laid on the horn to join in my joy! I ran back to check what was in the larger mail box indicated on the key and found my sales books had arrived.
As I hopped back in the car, and we drove to my apartment, I was elated. I knew that wherever I was going, it was right. It was just Right. I knew I'd be going and doing exactly what the Lord wanted me to do.
As I got back to the apartment I started calling people to let them know that I'd be opening it soon. Then as I had them all on the phone, Dad, Mom, Nancy, Joe, Annie, and Paul, I opened it and it was such a different experience. It was something I had never really imagined doing, but at the same time, had looked forward to for so long. So I shushed everyone, slid my finger between the sealed envelope and my call, and pulled the thin set of papers out from that envelope. I flipped it over to see '....California Carlsbad Mission...'

Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. I know that I am going where the Lord wants me to go, and I will become who the Lord wants me to be. I feel like this is the next step, essential and exciting, that is part of a much grander picture.


  1. Glad I was listening.... Lol. Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! This is so amazing! Just like you!

  2. Susan!! Oh my, I am so excited for you! AND I am so glad that I happened to look at my email, this blog is so adorable! I need to email you mine. :) Anyway, CONGRATS!!! You have always been such a wonderful missionary!
