Friday, August 21, 2009


Wal-Mart Theory

Wal-Mart has the business strategy of selling lower quality products for a lower price.

When a person goes to Wal-mart they go because they want a product now, for the lowest absolute price. They are okay if the product breaks, wears out quickly, or is substandard because "it's from Wal-mart, what do you expect". They got what they wanted, when they wanted it, and didn't need to work that hard to obtain it.

You go into Wal-mart to buy something because it's cheap. You know it's cheap, but you don't expect it to last for long. You pay less for it an it doesn't last you as long. Most people have become okay with this trade off.

BUT - I see this coming up in all faucets of life. This "wal-mart" mentality has spread to marriages, families, education, politics, careers, and society at large. People are okay with paying less for something that isn't as high quality. "Oh, if I don't like it, I can just get a new one." "Well, it was a bargain, how do I expect it to be quality."
Do you see how toxic that is to marriages, families, and all other social relationships? If you don't work for something, how do you expect it to last. People quit working at their marriages, cheat in school, and lower their standards at work so they can get ahead quickly. If things don't pan out as they hope, it's fine, there is always another spouse, school to get into, or job to get. It's no big deal, besides I didn't work that hard for the first one anyway.

...I hate Wal-Mart.

Facebook Theory

It's sad and disgusting when people start to think in terms of facebook statuses. It slowly robs people of privacy of thought, and cheapens our quality of thinking situations through with logical, detailed, methods. Rather, people impulsively updates their status to reflect the current thought running through their mind.
My theory on facebook is that like anything else, has potential for great good, and great harm. It's amazing to catch up with old friends and family. But once you start thinking in terms of what you want to post as your facebook status, you have issues. At that point you've given up conscious control of your thoughts and have allowed an outside source to influence your thoughts. How is a drug any different? An outside substance/source which influences and controls your conscious thoughts.

Just some food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to see what's on your mind as you are preapring for your mission. Thanks for keeping me posted!
